Hands-On Grid Construction Curriculum Builder


Dear Teacher,
The SGFS Grid Construction Curriculum is written in a learning cycle format. Each section begins with an Exploration where students are guided through an experience with the content. This is followed by a Discussion section that contains questions to help students better understand what they just experienced. The questions can also be used as a formative assessment, allowing you to identifying misconceptions. It is recommended that both sections be used sequentially. Although "doing" before "telling" seems backwards, it is a very effective way for students to learn since they are actively engaged in the discovery process.

The curriculum builder allows you to quickly customize the Smart Grid curriculm for your students.

Please begin by choosing the level which best describes your students.
This will determine the reading level as well influence the tasks which are included by default.
Level 1 (Grades K~4)
Level 2 (Grades 4~8)
Level 3 (Grades 8~12)


  1. Check or uncheck the box to the left of each prompt to create your own student workbook (and matching teacher guide). A few items may be greyed out if they are required for successful completion.
  2. When you are ready, use the buttons at the bottom of the page to download the student and teacher version as Word documents.
  3. You may edit these further in a word processor of your choice, though we ask that you leave the footer in-tact.

As always, if you have questions or comments about this process you are welcome to contact CeMaST.